
SEO & Design Membership Benefits

Ideal For Small & Medium Local Businesses

Let us focus on it so you don't have to.

Save On Employee Salaries

Pay less than full-time employees and pause when you need to.

No contracts

No monthly contract signing.

Hassle-free payments

Easy payments deducted every month until you pause or cancel.

Choose the right plans for you

Only need SEO? Only need design? Need both? Our flexible plans make it easy!

Pause anytime

You can pause anytime you need to, for as long as you need to.


Cancel anytime

Cancel anytime you need to.

How Does It Work?

1. Choose Your Plan(s)

We offer design, seo, and content plans. Mix and match whatever you need. You can always add plans, upgrade plans, pause, or cancel if you need to.

2. Subscribe

Subscribe to the plan(s) you want.

3. Check Out

You'll be sent to a secure stripe check out page to complete your purchase.

4. Check Your Email

You'll be contacted by email with all of the tools you need add design requests, get seo updates, or request content.

SEO Plans


Why is this better than hiring my own full-time SEO employee?

A full-time in-house SEO salary starts at around $60,000 per year. Which equals a minimum of $5,000/mo. Not including health insurance and other perks. Our services give you the ability to work with an expert but without the extra commitments you make to a full-time employee.

How does monthly SEO work?

I create monthly tasks to complete based on your businesses current snapshot. So while I treat your business like a traditional SEO agency would, you have the option to pause work if you need to. SEO is still a long game, needs consistent work with monitoring, and takes time to see results.

Who will work on my SEO?

I am a full-time SEO and designer. I have an SEO team available to help if needed but for now I am 100% the only one working on your SEO projects. 

How does the pause feature work?

Let’s say you need SEO help for the next 12 months. Then an unexpected financial issue happens on month 3, you can then pause your subscription before the next month starts. Then you can start your subscription again when you need it.

Design Plans

Design FAQ's

Why is this better than hiring my own full-time web/graphic designer employee?

A full-time in-house web/graphic designer’s salary starts at around $70,000 per year. Which equals a minimum of $5,800/mo. Not including health insurance and other perks. Our services give you the ability to work with an expert but without the extra commitments you make to a full-time employee.

How does the design per month work?

Once subscribed, you will receive a link to the system. You will get one request in the queue at a time. Once completed, you can add another request.

How long does it take to complete my request?

Most items will take about 2-3 days max if requested on Monday-Friday. If you have requested a website design, that will take around 7 days – 10 days.

What if I only need one thing?

Choose a plan and make your request. If you only need one request, pause until you need more work done. 

How does the pause feature work?

Once your requests are fulfilled, you can pause your subscription before the next month starts.

Who will work on my designs?

As of now I am the only designer.

How does building a website work?

Choose a plan that includes websites. You will receive a fully functional 5 page website in 7-10 business days. Content will not be provided unless you also purchase a content plan.

Content Plans

Content FAQ's

Why is this better than hiring my own full-time content writer?

Having a full-time content writer is great when you need that much work. Our content is geared more towards businesses that need enough content but don’t necessarily need a full-time employee.

How does the pause feature work?

Let’s say you need content for the next 12 months. Then an unexpected financial issue happens on month 3, you can then pause your subscription before the next month starts. Then you can start your subscription again when you need it.

Who will write my content?

As of right now, I am the only writer. Before I write, I look at your competition and potential keywords.

Have questions? Fill out the form and I will respond as soon as possible.