SEO Glossary
Essany Marketing has compiled a list of terms we use when we speak with clients. Our SEO glossary was created to make it easy for clients to understand but may also be beneficial for up and coming search engine optimization enthusiasts.
Choose a term below to learn about it’s definition.
[301 Redirects]
[Anchor Texts]
[Bounce Rate]
[Call To Action]
[Citation Consistency]
[CTR | Click-Through Rate]
[Google My Business | GMB]
[H1 Tags]
[Image Alt Text]
[Internal Links]
[Keyword Research]
[Link Building]
[Local Pack | 3-Pack]
[Meta Tags]
[Off-Page Optimization]
[On-Page Optimization]
[Organic Traffic]
[Outbound Links]
[Ranking Factor]
[Responsive Design]
[Search Engine]
[Search Engine Crawlers]
[Search Engine Optimization | SEO]
[Search Volume]
[SSL Certificate]
[Title Tags]